I've been chatting with Brazil's favourite nephew, and asked a few pertinent questions.
How many times do you get asked about Ayrton every day?
Every 30 seconds on average! Ninety percent of the interviews I do, I get asked about Ayrton. I'm used to it. I think in a couple of years that will wear off. As much as I've answered the same questions over and over again a million times since I started racing, there are always different people reading the articles. Hopefully in a year's time I'll get some new questions.
Is F1 harder than you thought it was going to be?
Oh yes. F1 is really difficult. It's extremely competitive. But it's a friendly environment too.
Do you share hire cars with your team mate, Karun Chandkok?
Yeah quite a lot. We drove all the way from Barcelona to Monaco together actually, and I worked out how to make Karun shut up. All you have to do is go fast in the wet. When a car is aquaplaning he's very quiet.
That's a very smart watch you're wearing. What is it?
It's a Hublot Aerobang, and it's my favourite. I have a few Hublot watches as they're my sponsor, and this one is very hard to get off my wrist. My friends keep trying to steal it but they'll never succeed. It's the best freebie I've ever been given.
What's the weirdest thing you've ever received from a fan?
Some fans send me their own photos, and what am I supposed to do with them? They send me photos of their families, which I appreciate but if I did an autograph session a year ago I can't be expected to remember who they are. So I just get all these random photos of people I don't recognize.
What's the last tune you downloaded?
Kid Cudi with David Guetta - Memories. [sings] All the crazy shit I did last night....
What was the last film you saw?
Inglorious Basterds, though I didn't quite finish it. I was watching it on the plane and we landed early. Tarantino is really good.
What's the oldest VHS recording you own?
That would be the 1986 or 1987 F1 championship tape with Ayrton. But it's mouldy now, I can't watch it.
When was the last time you were in a fight, and what was it over?
I've never fought with my fists. But I fought with words maybe last weekend.
What's your dream car?
That's a complex question because you want different cars for different things. I think the McLaren F1 is pretty high on the list. I drove a Porsche 997 GT2 and that's a very nice car. The Porsche Carrera GT has the most lovely engine note, I love that car.
What's your fancy dress costume of choice?
I would go as a stick of chewing gum. In Brazil there's an advert for Trident chewing gum where a guy dresses up as a stick of gum.
What's your most treasured possession?
My PC.
You're allowed to invite three celebrities to dinner. Who do you invite?
Can they be girls? This is going to get me in trouble.... Sienna Miller, Scarlet Johansson, and the Victoria's Secret model Doutzen Kroes.